Let me clarify first, it’s just a quick memo of 6 weeks journey on learning H TML/ CSS/ JavaSCript.
Started coding with Python last year and I realized soon that, Python is a good way to start but I have no idea what can I do with this language. I can’t create a webpage with Python, I can’t build a webpage with Python; to me, Python is easy-going but abstract language, I may know it, but I can’t understand it.
Coding with HTML/ CSS/ JavaScript is another story. I have never learned HTML and CSS before, but their concept is easier than Python (or JavaScript) since you can SEE the results as soon as you finish one line. I also remembered that after learning the concept of DOM, it was my first time to let JavaScript access HTML and CSS and build up a simple but interactive webpage, how amazing it is.
Still this way will become tougher and tougher, I hope that I can always trust myself and be patient:
I don’t know yet, but I will understand one day.